Urban Speed Dating In East Village New York
Low-Key Dating with Lamb in the East Village
But we think this might be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
For you.
And some lamb.
The situation today is Casablanca, your new super-low-key spot for French-Moroccan and lawful smoking, now open in the East Village.
Nestled warmly into the middle of a quiet block in Alphabet City, you’re about to have a date. And on that date, you’re about to have some lamb chops and Chartreuse cocktails (from a Pegu Club vet). Your date: they’ll have things, too.
It’s a simple setup you’ve got here, with a bar sporting some admittedly strange, Tron-like chairs to your right, and just a few tables along a wall banquette to your left. Opt left. Since temperatures are monosyllabic right now, obtain merguez stew. Congratulations, you just invented stew dates.
Also—and here’s one you haven’t heard in a while—think about obtaining some hookah. Remember this place is Moroccan, so they’ve got that, and it’s more of a traditional thing here.
Hookahs: traditional in Morocco and college.
Share Catholic & Christian Singles Ages 30-45 Virtual Speed Dating New York with your friends. Save Catholic & Christian Singles Ages 30-45 Virtual Speed Dating New York to your collection. Thu, Feb 18, 7:00 PM. The East Village in New York, New York is teeming with history. It's where the Gangs of New York once fought their battles; it's also where beatnik culture was birthed. Additionally, many streets are still dotted with architectural relics dating back to the Industrial Revolution. The most magical thing about the East Village is its extremes. Astoria did get a nod for a dinner date, and Crown Heights was mentioned for “urban adventure” dates. As for top date spot in the East Village, people like to go to Webster Hall, Max Brenner.